Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here are some photos from the show for your enjoyment and a link to more photos on

Preparing the main room for Kotaro's performance on opening day (monday)

Facebook Album

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Transnational Art 2009

各位              御案内状

ご挨拶  Message from the Curators

Ligare Gallery はアーティストのインキューベーターの役割を担うべく上海の静安区に2008年に誕生しました。 日本を中心にアジア圏の若手アーティストを積極的に紹介して参りました。世界的な経済の混迷は上海でも例外ではありません。現代のアートは経済の動向と切り離しては考えられない時代になってきています。経済もアートもグローバル化の波の中に浸からないでいることは不可能なのです。このような時代、しかも経済の混迷期にこそ われわれは将来性の高い才能を紹介していくべきだと考えます。

As a powerful word, the use of ‘Transnational’ in this exhibition’s title spurs questions into the exhibition’s curation, structure, breadth and focus. For this exhibition ‘Transnational’ addresses the set of unique circumstances and environment under which this art show has been conceived; as well as the diversity of artists creating new work under and within this transnational context.

The exhibition’s scope includes sculpture, installation, new media and performance art, alongside the more popular 2D and painting genre. Transnational Art 2009 has an appropriately open and inclusive structure, where boundaries that restrict artist expression or accessibility to the viewer have been dissolved.

The diverse make-up of the artists and galleries putting this show together is at the core of the exhibition. Run by Japanese, Canadian and Chinese nationals, SoHo and Ligare work in five languages with artists from Asia, the Americas, Africa and Europe. However, in spite of the number of countries represented, this exhibition has been managed wholly independently.

Transnational Art 2009 is ultimately a collection of individual and committed voices, artists who in their capacity as creators – and contributors to – culture(s), act as both mirrors and windows in the countries where they live and work. Through these lenses of experience, experimentation and identity they offer us glimpses into new plural expressions of contemporary art, ones which point to the issues important in our cities today.

We extend to you our most cordial and heartfelt invitation to visit Transnational Art 2009. The exhibition opens on Monday January 26th with a very special art performance by Japanese artist/calligraphist Kotaro Hatch, from 3:30PM.

この度、国境を越えて、日中ギャラリー協同企画のもと、この大阪で第一回「Transnational Art 2009」を開催するに至りました。アジア、ヨーロッパ、北アメリカ、アフリカ(8ヵ国)のアーテイスト達が大阪に集結し、グローバルな美術の展開を可能な限り、幅広い視野で表現しています。基本に忠実なだけでなく、それを飛び越えたユニークな作品選択と、海外の動向を強調、それぞれの概念から抜け出し、新しい作風を生み出して行く、それこそがコンテンポラリーアートではないでしょうか。「Transnational Art 2009」は地球的規模でアートを育み、世界中の優れた才能を持った新進のアーテイストを、未来へと継承し、より充実したものへと発展する事を望むものであります。


SoHo Art Gallery、Ligare Gallery、アーティスト、一同。